I want to, I can … prevent natural disasters | Yo quiero yo puedo
I want to, I can … prevent natural disasters
Ensure people have the skills and tools to prevent and confront risky and potentially dangerous situations caused by natural disasters
The program encourages the development of life skills such as teamwork, critical thinking, empathy and problem solving so that people are aware of potential risky situations in their environment and can make better decisions to prevent and react to natural disasters. Community members and rescue staff participate in experiential workshops to reflect on the importance of prevention and generate an action plan which they disseminate within their community.
Increase natural disaster prevention measures in order to ensure community wellbeing.
Generate an action plan to prevent complications in the face of natural disasters, educate the community on the plan.
Enhance skills to manage emotions, make decisions and solve problems in crisis situations.
Increase responsive capacity to a natural disaster, following safety and security guidelines.
Build the awarness of authorities and create partnerships with civil society at the community level that can take action in emergency situations.


Mira los proyectos destacados de este programa 
There are many landslides and car accidents due to the fog here in Tlanchinol, now we have a clearer action plan
Man, age 35
I am sure that we can handle unexpected situations, I already prepared my medicine cabinet and explained its importance to my family
Woman, age 28
I had not realized that for us to be organized and work as a team in difficult situations, it is up to each individual to take action
Man, age 40

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$ 25

With just this amount you can help a young person become an agent of change in their life, in their family and in their community

yoquieroyopuedo.org.mx multimedia