I want to, I can … support development between 0 and 6 years of age
Encourage the holistic development of children from 0 to 6 years old, promoting the family's active and responsible participation in their development
Through participatory and experiential methodology, parents, teachers, health personnel and caregivers are trained as local promoters. Their skills are reinforced, options provided for appropriate stimulation, breastfeeding encouraged and awarenses raised on strengthening attachment, as key factors in cognitive and emotional development. Physical spaces are set up to offer "I want to, I can" Development Centers and educational materials are provided.
Mira los proyectos destacados de este programa
I have noticed changes in children….they are more open, they have learned to identify emotions, feelings
We now see children who are very social, very participative, they say what they like and what they do not like
I have put aside shame and fear with my children since I participated in the workshop
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$ 25
With just this amount you can help a young person become an agent of change in their life, in their family and in their community