I want to, I can … prevent unplanned pregnancies | Yo quiero yo puedo
I want to, I can … prevent unplanned pregnancies
Training teens and adults to be agents of change who promote sexual and reproductive health in their schools, families and communities
This program promotes the development of life skills and the reduction of psychosocial barriers necessary to prevent teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Additionally, participants are encouraged to share their key takeaways from the program with their peers in both classroom and informal settings, as well as with family, friends and their community in general. This program reduces teenage pregnancy, changing the adversities associated with poverty.
Increase knowledge about sexual health, pregnancy prevention and gender violence.
Strengthen the development of life skills: self-awareness, critical thinking, assertive communication, negotiation and medium and long-term planning.
Increase safe sex alternatives.
Increase personal agency and intrinsic empowerment to positively influence other teenagers' life plans.


Now I know it's okay to plan when you're going to have sex in order to better protect yourself
Woman, age 15
I learned that I can handle peer pressure, and that I do not have to do what everyone else does if I don't want to
Man, age 16
Thanks to this workshop, I used a condom the first time I had sex
Woman, age 16

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$ 25

With just this amount you can help a young person become an agent of change in their life, in their family and in their community

yoquieroyopuedo.org.mx multimedia